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Head of ESA Commercialisation Dept. at European Space Agency


About me

I am a senior executive at the European Space Agency with strong background in policy making, strategy development and space deep tech. I am currently responsible for the ESA Commercialisation Department.

My goal is to make Europe one of the greatest places in the world to launch and
grow global space companies that make sense for our future.

My department accompanies European space entrepreneurs in their journey to commercialisation, from disruptive idea generation, scouting of business opportunities, to sustainable scaling-up on the global markets.

We provide services of:
– Innovation e.g. Technology Transfer, Co-creation (Phi-labs network), Incubation (ESA BICs)
– Commercial advisory e.g. Market analysis. Business plan assessment, Intellectual Property
– Connection with the investors ecosystem e.g. Investor communities (public and private), technical and market advisory to Venture Capitals funds